Dr Christine Berle-Keys

Dr Christine Berle-Keys PhD is a registered Chinese medicine (CM) practitioner who has been working as an acupuncturist for over 49 years in private practise as well as undertaking several research projects at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese, holistic therapy, a gentle form of drug free healing with its own unique system of diagnosis and disease identification. Traditional acupuncturists believe that with precise treatment to specific acupoints based on correct (CM) diagnosis, the body’s own defensive and self-healing systems will be aided, thus promoting and maintaining good health. Treatment can incorporate several methods, heat (Moxibustion), magnets, cupping, laser and/or fine disposable acupuncture needles.

Dr Berle-Keys’ has a broad range of experience including many conditions which present in general practise including but not limited to musculoskeletal problems/injuries, cosmetic, and female disorders. Dr Berle-Keys’ approach is to work with you through a respectful partnership of joint accountability, thereby assisting you through your health journey. Your healthcare is her priority.

  • ​​​​​​​AHPRA - Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner; Registration Number: CMR0001727422
  • Health Fund rebates availability (HICAPS)
  • Worker's Compensation and Insurance Claims for musculoskeletal injuries are welcomed under doctor referral. 
  • ​​​​​​​Member; Australian Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (ATMS)